Welcome to my web page about soda siphons and cream whippers.

This website was started because I wanted to make use of old siphons inherited from my family, but did not find sufficient information online about how to restore them. So I decided to share what I learned through the process… maybe it could be of use for someone. If you have a soda siphon or cream whipper which you want to use again after a long time, you are in the right place.

Soda water reminds me of summers spent in Tiszalúc, sitting in a cool arbour in the summer heat. It is undeniable that the popularity of soda siphons has waned somewhat, and most of the generation that used to make soda water at home is no longer with us. But soda water itself is fine. It hasn’t disappeared at all, it’s just been transformed; thanks to SodaStream machines and entrepreneurs still selling seltzer water. Sweet cream, available in ÁFÉSZ shops. in a sour cream plastic cup, is also something we cannot find on the shop shelves anymore. But real whipped cream still can be part of festive moments, and cream whippers are enjoying a comeback in both modern gastronomy and bar culture.

As an engineer, I’m fascinated by these devices, which require no battery and work reliably for decades based on simple physical and chemical principles. In case they do not, they can be completely dismantled and refurbished by replacing a few parts that cost pennies.

You can find updates to the site on this page.

I dedicate this page to the memory of my grandmother and my father-in-law, a real handyman.